About Planning & Development:
Planning and Development Department understands the values of the community and reflects those values into our plans, policies and bylaws for the immediate and future development of our Village. Our core mandate is to assist our residents to achieve their development goals and objectives.
Planning and Development Department is available to discuss your development and building plans. Before beginning any project there are several steps you will need to take to make sure your new development is in compliance with local bylaws and regulations.
Development Services is governed by provincial legislation including the Municipal Government Act, Part 17 Planning and Development: https://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/acts/m26.pdf, the Subdivision and Development Regulation https://www.qp.alberta.ca/documents/Regs/2002_043.pdf, and numerous municipal bylaws, plans and policies.
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a high level statutory land-use plan prepared collaboratively between two (or more) municipalities. IDPs provide land use and development policy direction for lands of mutual importance, agreed to and adopted through matching municipal bylaws.
A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a key policy plan that communicates the long term desired land use in the Village of Berwyn. It is a high-level blueprint that shows how the Town is expected to change over time and the shape it will take in the future. Much like a blueprint that guides the construction of a house, an MDP helps many decision makers collectively build their shared and desired physical setting. The resource that is being managed is the land base that is occupied by all members of the Town. This land base is typically limited and is expected to accommodate many activities and functions.
An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a key policy plan that proposes a sequence of development for an area within the Village of Berwyn, the future land uses, the density of population, and the general location of transportation and public utilities.
A Land Use Bylaw (LUB) establishes rules and regulations for land development, as well as, the process of making decisions for development permit applications within the Village of Berwyn.
Bylaw No. 601 Land Use Bylaw Map
Municipal Development Plan Bylaw No. 594
You can download and print the following forms:
You can send your completed forms to cao@berwyn.ca or you can drop off at the Village office.
Do I require a development permit for a garage?
Yes, you do require a development permit to build a garage. Land Use Bylaw No. 601
Do I need a permit for a deck?
Even if you have an existing deck and you want to replace or add to it, you are required to apply for a Development Permit. Land Use Bylaw No. 601
Upon review of an application, further information may be requested prior to the application being processed. Applications, along with the applicable fee can be emailed to cao@berwyn.ca or by person to the Village office
between 8:30 am - Noon and 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).
If you have further questions in regards to development you can contact Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency (MMSA) at 780-338-3862.
I want to build or move a shed or accessory building onto my property, do I need a permit?
1) For the purpose of calculating yard setbacks and site coverage requirements as provided in the Bylaw when an accessory building is attached to the principal building on a site by a roof, an open or enclosed structure, a floor, or a foundation, it is to be considered a part of the principal building and not as an accessory building. 2) Any accessory building which is not physically connected to a principal building shall be located at least 1.8 meters (6 feet) from any principal building. 3) Any accessory building erected on a site in any residential district shall not be used as a dwelling. 4) No side yard is required for any accessory building in a residential district or an industrial district where a mutual wall is erected on a common property line and is constructed of brick, stone or equivalent fire resistant material, there will be no overhang of eaves and all drainage is confined to the site. Bylaw 675 2020/07/27 5) With the exception of driveways, no accessory building or use shall be located in the front yard of any residential district. Land Use Bylaw No. 601
Do I need a permit to build a fence?
The height of a fence above grade, at any point along a fence line, must not exceed: a) 0.9 meters (3 feet) for that portion of the fence extending beyond the foremost portion of the principal building on the parcel; b) 1.8 meters (6 feet) for that portion of the fence that does not extend beyond the foremost portion of the principal building on the parcel; and c) 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) to the highest point of a gateway, provided that the gateway does not exceed 2.5 meters in length. 2) Notwithstanding Section 5.12(1), a Development Authority may approve, upon application for a development permit, a higher fence for public safety, security, or buffering reasons.
Residential Properties:
You do not need a permit if you are building a fence that is six (6) feet or less in height from the front of the house to the rear of the lot or three (3) feet or less from the front of the house to the front of the lot. Please note that if you are on a corner lot, a corner cut-off may be required to ensure site lines are maintained.
Non-Residential Properties:
You do require a Development Permit for construction of fencing. A Development Permit needs to be completed and submitted to the Development Officer, with a professional plot plan and the application fee. Upon review of an application, further information may be requested prior to the application being processed.
Applications can be submitted by email to cao@berwyn.ca or by person at the Village office between 8:30 am - Noon and 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).
I want to renovate my house, do I need a development permit?
If the renovations include structural alterations or additions, then yes, you require a Development Permit.
What is site coverage?
Site coverage is the amount of your property that is covered by any surface other than landscaping. This includes all hard surfacing (bricks, asphalt or concrete), the dwelling, garage, accessory buildings, decks, hot tubs, etc. The amount of allowable coverage varies for all districts. You can look up the coverage in the Land Use Bylaw No. 601
Do I require a permit for a fire pit?
Check this bylaw: Village of Berwyn Fire Services Bylaw 622
Do I require a permit to put a Sea-Can on my property?
Information regarding Sea-Can use can be found in the Land Use Bylaw No. 601 under 6.10 Special Land Use Provisions
What is a Real Property Report, an easement and a right-of-way?
You can download brochures on these three topics as well as others from the Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association website.
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