Resident FAQ
Q. When is the Utility bill due?
A. The Utility bill is due by the 20th of each month. If you do not pay the bill after three months the balance will be transferred to the property taxes.
Q. When do tax notices go out and when are they due?
A. Tax notices go out by the end of May and they are due mid/late July. It can vary slightly from year to year so always check the dates when you receive you Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice.
Q. Does Berwyn have a recycling program?
A. Yes, there are recycling bins located in the parking lot of the arena. You can take your paper, tin, glass, and plastic to these bins. The Bottle depot is located in Grimshaw on 55th Avenue. Let us know at the Village Office is the recycling bins are full and we will contact the contractor.
Q. Do you need a Dog License?
A. Yes, Dog Licenses are available at the Village Office in Berwyn. They are $20 if the animal is spayed/neutered or $25 if they are not. The license must be renewed each year.
Q. How do I report or find out information of a power outage/damaged power line?
A. ATCO Electric is in charge of the repair and maintenance of all the power outages in Berwyn. You can report a power outage by calling 1-800-668-5506 or at http://www.atcoelectric.com/PowerOutageForm.
You find out more information regarding a current outage in your area, please check at http://www.atcoelectric.com/Safety/Power-Outages/Outage-Map or by calling 1-800-668-5506.
Q. How can I pay my Utility bill or Property Taxes?
A. You may pay at the office during regular office hours by cash, cheque or interac. We do accept Visa and MasterCard however there is a 2.5% service charge. We accept payment via E-transfer to finance@berwyn.ca. Please ensure you include your account number in the description line to ensure your payment is post to the correct account. You may be through online banking if you bank with ATB, CIBC, Scotia Bank or Servus Credit Union. Or you may mail a cheque to Box 250 Berwyn, AB T0H 0E0.
Q. When is garbage pickup day?
A. Garbage day is Thursday and your garbage should be out by 7:00 a.m.
Q. Does Berwyn allow dogs to run at large?
A. No, Berwyn does have a bylaw forbidding dogs to run at large. They must be within the owners yard or on a leash when off their yard. Check out full bylaw in ordinance section of this website.
Q. Where do I report a street light out?
A. ATCO Electric is in charge of the repair and maintenance of all the street lights in Berwyn. Identify the location of the light pole and the Asset ID# that is located on the metal plate on the pole.
You can report the light out by filling out the form at: http://www.atcoelectric.com/Services/StreetLight-Repair-Form or call 1-800-668-2248. If you contact the village office with the location and the asset ID#, we would happily report it for you.